Monday, 25 May 2015

How to earn money online with is different from Google Adsense. If you have a website a Blog in which 10% of visitors comes from USA or Canada etc then you can easily earn Money from this Yahoo Bing Network or Meda.Net .So here I discussed all the things about this beautiful platform.

Difference Between Media.Net and Google Adsense.

There are lots of difference between Adsense and this platform. First difference is that Media.Net is owned by Yahoo and Bing search engines and Google adsense is owned by the most popular and world best search engine Google. Second difference between these platforms is that Google Adsense is a PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads network .If we got approvel from Google the we can take some ads for our website and display them on website and when our displayed ad is clicked by visitor then we got some revenue from Adsense. On the other Hand the methoud for earning money from Media.Net is different .It is a CPM (Cost Per Mile) network. And it gives us revenue which is based on Impressions .In simple words Impressions are Page views.

How Much We Can Earn From Media.Net.

As I have already says that this platform gives us revenue which is based on the impressions. So greater the Impressions greater will be the earning. When a visitor come to our website and see one post or Page then our website  got one Impression .And if ours website Receive one thousand Impressions then we can easily earn 2$ to 5$.


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