Thursday, 28 May 2015

How to earn money online with Qadabra

It may be a situation where you not please with yours service or you may have been cancelled because some spam characters came on yours website and Google Adsense cancelled yours account.You trying to explain them or you went to appeal process but saidly they said that yours account is now for this purpose you are looking for alternative for google adsense well today I am going to learn you how to earn money from best google adsense alternative Qadabra.And also there are lots special benefits of this Alternative.I think in now a days qadabra GIves you best offeers than google adsense.

How to Apply for Qadabra:

First of all go to and then click on signup.after clicking enter yours full name,email address and passward and then click on signup.In this way a new dialog box opens and then enter yours website url,website description,and also some other details and click on this way yours application has been sends to him.and if yours website contain good content and also gain good visitors daily then they will approve yours website.

How to Withraw Money from qadabra:

You can easily with draw money from yours account. there are two ways to withdraw money from it. First is payoneer and and seconds is payza.and also the minimum payment of this platform is very nice you can with yours money 1$ Minimum.

How to add  Qadabra ads on yours blog or website:

Fisrt of all if yours account is approves by Qadabra then login to yours account and then create a new ad .Select your ads type enter the place where you want to display ad and then click on save. In this way a  new ad is made. Just click on the make Ad and copy then html code from ad.for blogger log in to blogger and then go to layout of yours blog and then click on add a new widget and then select html widget. After all paste the html code which you copy from yours placement.and then click on save .Now you have  Qadabra  ads on blogger. for wordpress login to wordpress ,  go to appearance and then go to widgets select html widget and paste the following code in it and then click on save. now you have Qadabra ads on yours wordpress website.

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